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Get Involved

Meetings and Events


Committee meetings


Committee meetings place once a month to share ideas and discuss union activity, give updates on ongoing projects and campaigns, raise issues in the branch and agree decisions and action points. 


Meetings are usually held on a Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00pm at Bectu HQ, 100 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1JP with Microsoft Teams available. Members can attend as observers to find out more about ongoing work or what happens in meetings. Members can also attend to raise a new issue and discuss it with the Committee, or you can send us the topic and we will discuss it on your behalf.  



Branch meetings


Branch meetings are open to all members to attend and take place every three months. You can attend a branch meeting to hear about Bectu news, join discussions on current issues affecting workplaces and departments and hear about ongoing work from the Committee. We also have a social at the end with food and drinks to allow you to meet fellow members and form new connections and networks.


We occasionally focus branch meetings on specific topics such as negotiation skills or the assistant editor's toolkit to help engage members in new projects or provide education and training around different topics.


Meetings are usually held on a Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00pm at Bectu HQ, 100 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1JP with Microsoft Teams available. Please read our newsletters and calendar to find out about upcoming branch meetings.



Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The Annual General Meeting is open to all members to attend and takes place once a year. We will elect the Committee for next year, vote on the ideas submitted by you to determine the priorities for the branch, give reports on achievements and successes this year and hear the latest Bectu news. We will also have a social at the end with food and drinks to allow you to meet fellow members and form new connections and networks.


Meetings are usually held on a Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00pm at Bectu HQ, 100 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1JP with Microsoft Teams available. Please read our newsletters and calendar to find out about upcoming AGMs.



Projects and Campaigns


Join a Branch Working Group 


We have branch groups to organise members around specific projects and campaigns that they are particularly interested in such as the TV Drama Agreement, Mentoring Scheme and the Rate Cards. In the group you can have your say, give feedback or volunteer to support the Committee with parts of the project and become a Branch Ambassador.


Submit an issue to the Branch Suggestion Bin


The Branch Suggestion Bin is a new way for members to send in suggestions for the Branch. Your idea could be a new way we could support members, an idea for an event, training or projects, or something that you have identified as a problem in your job. Throughout the year members will vote on the ideas to determine the priorities for the branch.




Join our forum (COMING SOON)


On our website we have forums where you can join other members to discuss topics including Avid Media Composer, Rates, Pro Tools, Equality and Diversity and Workflow Tips and Tricks. 


Join our groups (COMING SOON)


On our website we have forums where you can join other members in job role groups.




Follow us on social media



Instagram: @rough_assembly

Facebook: @theroughassembly

Twitter: @rough_assembly

YouTube: The Rough Assembly



Instagram: @bectuunion and @bectufilmtv

Facebook: @Bectuofficial

Twitter: @bectu


Read our newsletters  


The Committee regularly sends emails to members from, please add this address to your contacts to make sure our emails don’t go to the spam folder. Bectu also sends regular newsletters from Philippa Childs, Head of Bectu and Bectu Staff.


Check out our latest news


Have look at our news page and Bectu’s news page for the latest union information and updates.



Branch Ambassadors


Members who would like to support the branch on an occasional basis with particular projects, topics or events that interest them can become Branch Ambassadors. This would be a great fit for you if you would like to…


  • Volunteer at events or meetings

  • Support with particular projects or campaigns

  • Become a point of contact for the Committee 

  • Help create content for our social media

  • Help create content for our website


Please complete our Branch Ambassador Enquiry Form, or email the if you have any questions.


Join the Committee


Would you like to find out more about joining the Committee to support your branch? Check out our Committee Enquiry Form to submit your enquiry.


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