PACT & BECTU TV Drama Agreement - PACT Offer

Updated 20th November

Members will have received several emails from BECTU with the latest and final offer from PACT. Below is the letter from PACT which is attached to the email along with the offer itself.

These terms are the best that can be achieved by negotiation and represent many months of detailed discussions between Bectu Reps, Officials and Pact Heads of Production.

If you have any questions about the offer, you can submit them here until Thursday 20th October.

Updated Schedule

  • 16th - 30th November - Consultation

  • Tuesday 22nd November - all member webinar (details in email)

  • Wednesday 30th November – Ballot opens

  • Sunday 11th December 23:59 – Ballot closes

  • Monday 12th December - Result announced

Next steps 

If the agreement is accepted by members in the forthcoming ballot, the new terms will apply to new productions from 1 January 2023 (subject to the transition phase in 4.1).

If the agreement is rejected then collectively agreed terms will cease, the 2017 agreement will fall away, and you will need to negotiate your own terms on new contracts from 12 December 2022.

The 2022 proposed terms represent the best outcome achievable through negotiation. Our primary goal is to achieve an agreement that works for crew as well as producers, however if the agreement falls there will be an unpredictable period of time where the industry will operate without agreed terms. In this situation the reps and the union will provide support to make sure you are treated fairly and help maintain terms and conditions wherever possible.

Click the below image to download a PDF of the letter from PACT